This article is what the establishment calls "revelatory." Stephen Colbert might call it "newsiness" or "truthiness." Heaven help us. Well, at least they aren't denying UFOs completely. That's the best we can hope for at this time, I guess. So sad that this planet is in such a low consciousness place overall that real facts can't be told (except for Bob Dean and the hundreds of other military people who are trying to tell the public what is really going on). I think Bob Dean is allowed to tell his story (as with the others--so many of them, including astronauts!) without being arrested for disobeying their Top Secret oaths, because these guys are serving a purpose in getting the public used to hearing about UFOs, aliens, etc.--just as Steven Spielberg has been doing over the years with his films like ET and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
This new guy on the block, Christopher Mellon, in this latest article is probably part of that, too but, as usual, the info. is so lame as to be laughable for anyone at all familiar with the truth. From what he says, he is either a very dumb uncurious blockhead or is being kept on a short leash by the military/government even as he admits/reveals a little bit of the story the masses are not allowed to hear in toto -- what Bob Dean calls "The Greatest Story Never Told." I often wonder if I will live long enough to hear the full truth come out to the public who are being dumbed down in every way and made to believe that everyone who tries to tell the truth is a "conspiracy theorist." Give me a break!
For real truth on the subject, following is an e-mail I sent out last week. In case you were one of the people to receive it, but haven't yet watched the video of Bob Dean telling the true story, you might want to view it and contrast what he says in the link below, with what Christopher Mellon is putting out in the pablum article from Huffington Post (link above). Of course, it goes without saying that this is only for the curious who honestly care about hearing truth. If you're satisfied with the pap delivered by Huffington Post and the disdainful major media, you can just skip the following.
This talk was given at a conference in the UK.
Bob Dean is a man who spent most of his adult life in the military, several years of it being spent as a Command Sgt. Major at SHAPE Headquarters in Paris under General Lyman Lymnitzer. What Bob learned during that time has shaped his life since then, in ways he would never have imagined. This talk in the UK tells all about it. I believe it will be, hands down, the Most Interesting talk you have ever heard, and you will never be able to forget it.
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