Monday, September 21, 2015

Where the Hell is Matt? Dancing to bring the world together

Put a big smile on your face today -- and watch this heart-lightening (and enlightening) video!

We need many more Matt Hardings in this world!  (~.~)  He has been dancing his way around the world since June of 2003.  This is his 2012 dance-a-thon, showing how alike we all are.  He brings the world together through love and laughter.  May his tribe increase!!!!  Now, please give yourself a treat and watch Matt and all his global friends dancing in this 2012 video:

See Matt's story at:

You may find this hard to believe, but some people who viewed the dancing videos claimed it had to be a hoax.  So Matt gave a talk filled with sarcasm at a technology seminar "admitting" it was a hoax.  It was very funny (see it at:  He made the story fantastically absurd, so everyone would realize it was sarcasm at its finest, guessed it:  Some people triumphantly exclaimed, "Aha!  I knew it was a hoax!"  (I think these are the same people who believe we didn't go to the moon, that our president is a closet Muslim who wasn't born in the U.S., and who think Donald Trump will make a wonderful president.) 

So Matt then appeared at an Apple MacWorld conference and explained that the "hoax" story was itself a real hoax.

I'll bet, though, there are still some people who remain unconvinced, who still believe Matt's dancing around the world is a hoax, and who continue to watch Fox News for their "real" news. Unfortunately, they vote. (sigh)


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