Tuesday, September 08, 2015

This essay says it best about Hillary: She Can't Go Rogue

The machine has taken her over and we will never know the real Hillary.  She's part and parcel with establishment politics and will do the bidding of the corporate masters. 
GO Bernie!!!


By P.M. Carpenter

What's the best thing that presidential candidate Bernie Sanders had going for him?


He had no money, no machine, no consultants, no media advisers, no real fame, no exalted history, no sense of destiny — no nothing but himself, which freed him to be himself.

What's the worst thing that Hillary Clinton had going for her?


She had and has it all, money, organization and a regal status — all of which has enslaved her. She's at the center of the nation's most powerful political machine, and the latter's immensity has made her — the "her-herself" Clinton, to pilfer Walt Whitman — more than a little elusive.

She is the smallest cog in a massive apparatus of overpreparedness, which has reduced her further, to headlines such as this: "Hillary Clinton to Show More Humor and Heart, Aides Say." Aides say. They "want to show her humor." They "want to show her heart." They want "to bring spontaneity to a candidacy that sometimes seems wooden and overly cautious."

Humor and heart on the campaign trail seem as foreign to Hillary Clinton as they do to Jeb Bush. When her humor does materialize in public, it comes across as "sarcastic," which her aides acknowledge. It's a sort of royal, We-are-not-amused levity — a humor that packs a punch, but lacks fun (as though, and this was most unfortunate, it's been wiped "with a cloth").

As for heart, Hillary's, like Al Gore's, doesn't translate well before large gatherings, which are the mother lode of human connections on the presidential-campaign level. By definition, displaying heart is an impalpable art; Harry Truman could do it, Adlai Stevenson (in impossible circumstances) could do it, and so on, on through Barack Obama. Hillary cannot. Not at this stage. That's no criticism, for criticism is rightly reserved for the changeable.

And just how in hell does one "bring" spontaneity to another human being? (Late last week, as her spontaneity was being mapped out by others, Hillary was at a presser. After a few queries, a voice boomed from her right: We'll take one more question. Hillary, startled, looked around, and then obeyed the command. Bill would have spontaneously boomed back: "I'll take all the questions you've got.")

Hillary's curse is that she's the smallest wheel in a massive engine — which means she performs best when she's well greased, programmed and scripted, which loops back with a fierce inexorability to the original problem. She lost herself in enormity years ago, and there's no way to bring her back. She's engulfed by conflicting advisers, swamped by demanding money, torn by coalitions, smothered in queenship and consumed by a sprawling, tentacled Leviathan known as the Clinton Machine.

And in an inherited machine, one can't go rogue.

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