Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Nazi right wingers coming back in small-town Germany

Here is a chilling story of the rise of the German right wing once again.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sebastian-matthes/germany-refugee-crisis_b_8071114.html
The same thing is happening in our country with the rise of Donald Trump and his adoration by our own right wing.

Germany has its own Donald Trump types, rising up to the surface once again -- reminiscent of Hitler's rise to power.  Right wingers of any country, blinded by their nationalistic thinking, do not recognize themselves as Nazi types. They think of themselves as "patriots," trying to preserve a way of life that is changing -- and they are goaded on by Fear propaganda delivered by the Donald Trumps or Adolph Hitlers of this world.  Remember the rise of Hitler in the '30s and '40s?  American conservatives would deny in horror that anyone would even
think they were like Hitler's Nazis.  In their zeal to adopt the hatred and prejudice being shouted from the mouth of Donald Trump, they are oblivious to the similarities of themselves to the German population in the '30s and '40s.  Germans who thought themselves to be good Christians went along with Hitler's hate-driven pronouncements ... and soon .... well, read any history book to get the end of this story.  We are still living with its terrible ramifications in today's world.  

Take a good look at Donald Trump and his rhetoric that is rousing the U.S. right wing today.  Listen to them cheering him as he ramps up their fear.  This is how wars start.  This is how "final solutions" like Hitler's begin.  Even if you try to get a far right winger to look in the mirror at themselves (can you imagine Donald Trump doing this and seeing himself as he really is--a hate-filled demagogue in the making?), they will see a "patriot" standing up for their "rights."  The bizarre upside-down, backwards world of the Bubble dwellers is surrounded by a wall of impenetrable Fear.  That Fear is daily being revved up and spurred on by Trump and Fox.  But the right wingers don't even realize they are being provoked and roused to hatred through fear...they would never think of themselves as fear-driven.  Fox's incessant daily doses of racism and prejudice has made their viewers immune to recognition of fear propaganda. Under Fox's spell, they think of it as  "patriotism" of the highest order.  Too sad, because they can't be reached by clear seeing.  They will defend themselves to the death against all the "enemies" they have been carefully taught to fear. 

Welcome to the madhouse.  It's called planet Earth where the natives are doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.  Mind-controlled by power-and-greed-obsessed leaders, a large portion of the inhabitants are unable to learn from their own history and make the changes in consciousness that could truly lead us to a better future.

As Pogo in the comic strip sagely states: "We have met the enemy and he is us."  


For years, media and politics have overlooked and underestimated how powerful the right-wing movement has become in some parts of Germany. They have ignored the fact that small towns in the East German states are "culturally controlled almost entirely by right-wing extremists": with murals in the style of the Nazi period, references to Hitler's birthplace, and an atmosphere of fear exaggerated by the far right extremists. In these towns, the right-wing culture dominates everything from high school to the carpenter's shop.

But there are also attacks on asylum-seekers' quarters in the South and West of Germany. Therefore, the radicalization of parts of German society is not a purely East German phenomenon. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution understands this as a threat, a new form of right-wing terrorism.

Forty percent of refugees coming to Europe, come to Germany. According to recent estimates of the government, it will be 800,000 people this year. That equals the number of people living in Frankfurt, Main. Many Germans are scared of that.  "Concerned citizens," as they like to call themselves, are not concerned about the refugees. They worry about themselves. They are scared of economic decline, scared of old age poverty. Scared that something will be taken away from them.

And now they have found the reason for their fear: Refugees that come to Germany to take the last couple of Euros and benefits away from them.

The preachers of hatred and extreme right parties, which have mostly flown under the radar until now, use this fear. They have found their audience. They use the Internet to goad on the scared masses. They spread fake articles about refugees, who allegedly come at German school girls, only to later exploit our social system. According to these hatemongers, politicians and the press lie, so they construct their own reality. Following their sick logic, there is a "will of the people" that justifies violence against foreign fellow citizens. Therefore, we are not only experiencing one of the worst waves of right-wing terror since World War II, but also a gruesome peak of xenophobic propaganda.


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