Saturday, September 12, 2015

VIDEO: A blindfolded woman shows her bikini body in public to promote love and self-acceptance

Amy Pence-Brown stood blind-folded in a bikini in Boise, to promote self-acceptance.  The crowd's reactions are incredibly powerful -- VIDEO

When you watch this, you may just begin to cry at the beauty of the woman and the people -- both externally and internally.  (My tears are still flowing...)

EXCERPT:  Body acceptance performance pieces are commonplace in relatively progressive cities like London and New York City, but what if someone conducted an experiment in a less cosmopolitan city? When Boise, ID-based activist Amy Pence-Brown stood blindfolded in a bikini in public, wearing nothing else but a sign instructing passers-by to draw on her body, she entrusted herself to a marketplace full of complete strangers. Her experiment had the potential to go terribly wrong — but instead, the results showed just how accepting humanity can be.

The premise was simple: Pence-Brown, a mother of three who founded the Boise Rad Fat Collective, stripped down in a downtown Boise market, donned a blindfold, and stood alone with a marker in either hand. A sign leaning against her knees read, "I'm standing for anyone who has struggled with a self-esteem issue like me, because all bodies are valuable. To support self-acceptance, draw a heart on my body." With that, all she had to do was wait.  See video link at:

Amy's message contrasts with that of Donald Trump regarding women's bodies and their looks.  Amy speaks to the heart.  Donald speaks to the darker nature of the ego. 
(Quo vadis? 
Which way are we going?)


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