Saturday, October 05, 2013

I've noticed how much Sen. Ted Cruz looks like the late Sen. Joe McCarthy

And others have noticed it, too.  In addition to the striking physical similarity, the fanatical bullying tactics of the two are very much alike.  McCarthy died at age 48 in 1957 from a physical breakdown due to alcoholism.  Cruz was born in 1970.  For anyone who believes in reincarnation, just looking at the photos will bring about at least a "Hmmmmm...."   I just looked this up on Google and found all these look-alike photos of the two men (even to the widow's peak in their hair).  If Cruz is McCarthy returned to earth to do more troublemaking and dirty deeds, he hasn't changed much either in looks or in character.  And he is rallying to himself the same extremist types of dogmatic followers.  Wouldn't it make sense that the man who was a paranoid firebrand against Communists (McCarthy saw them everywhere he looked) in the 1950s, causing great disruption in the government, would return as a leader in the Tea Party movement in 2013, causing great disruption in the government once again?
