Thursday, October 17, 2013

Big Laugh of the Day

Ann Coulter was all over the TV last night on interview shows, Piers Morgan on CNN, and on FOX news, promoting her latest book and accusing other Republicans like Liz Cheney of being "hucksters and shysters who are ripping off the party and wanting publicity for themselves and their books."  (!!!!!!)  Miraculously, even a Fox news analyst had the circumspection to notice the obvious fact that Coulter just might be guilty of the same thing. A classic case of Tea Party consciousness projection.  What a joke she is.  Reminds me of a line in the Bobby Burns "To a Louse" poem (composed as he watched a louse crawl on a high-fashioned, well-bred woman's bonnet in church):  "O wad some power the Giftie gie' us, To see ourselves as ithers see us."  I'm now convinced that people like Coulter exist to give us the kind of shocked laughter that spontaneously arises within us when we see how very ignorant/stupid/oblivious some specimens of the human race can be. The are the comedic court jesters of the Bubble World.


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