Sunday, January 08, 2012

Should be read by everyone -- Will the left support Obama?

Will the Left Support Obama?   (Be sure to read the Readers' Comments at the end -- they represent a cross-section of disappointed Progressives.)
By Bob Burnett

...the American social contract is broken -- the economy does not work for the benefit of all the people and the political system is deadlocked.

Most of the 99 percent agree the root cause of this failure is the increased power of corporations in American society. The most recent evolution of capitalism, multinational corporate capitalism, is at odds with democracy. Global corporations don't want to be restricted by the common-sense rules and obligations that democracies require in order to survive. The 1 percent wants the U.S. government to operate as a plutocracy where the corporate CEOs and the wealthy call the shots. In contrast the 99 percent wants the government to operate as a democracy for the common good.

For the 30 years since Ronald Reagan took office there has been a widening gap been the right and the left. 2011 saw this become an insurmountable chasm. The year began with an extreme faction of the right, Tea Party Republicans, seizing control of the GOP majority in the House of Representatives. Republicans ignored the jobs crisis, a feckless war in Afghanistan, global climate change, and other daunting problems, and dogmatically focused on "fiscal austerity," their claim the U.S. is going broke because government is cause of all our problems. As a consequence, Washington ground to a halt and the common good of the 99 percent was ignored.

The left responded with the Occupy Wall Street movement.  (Read rest of article at: )

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