Friday, January 20, 2012

What are these weird sounds being heard around the globe?

VERY STRANGE -- Go to:   What do you think might be causing these sounds?  Check out the right sidebar at this site for several more instances of this sound. It's been heard in London, Los Angeles, Maryland, New Jersey, Mexico, Russia, Romania, Alaska, Canada, etc., etc. This phenomenon Is making the news in local papers, radio stations, and TV channels -- but, of course, the corporate-owned major media will not allow reporting on it. 

I suspect it may have something to do with HAARP (High
Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program).  For more info. about the infamous and insidious HAARP program located in Alaska, go to:   When you learn what this program is about and what it can do, you will be alarmed at its far-reaching impact/import for our planet and its inhabitants.   The consequences of this program can be devastating to us and our Earth. 

Check out the strange formation of clouds being seen around the world also.  They are very unnatural and are apparently being caused by an electromagnetic force of some kind.  See these clouds on youtube.  Here's one site, and you can find many more in the sidebars:

We owe it to ourselves and our children to inform ourselves about these events occurring all over our planet.  Please watch the DVD "Thrive" made by Foster Gamble and his wife. Gamble is an heir of the Procter-Gamble corporation.  You can watch "Thrive" for $5 on the website or buy it for $20 on  You will be amazed/astounded and probably very concerned when you learn about what is being done to us, without our knowledge, by the ruling forces on Earth.  You may want to dismiss this as just "quackery" or "junk," but I urge you to watch the film Thrive and then see what you think, after having reviewed its information.  The credibility of this film and all of the scientific, government and military experts and witnesses who appear in it cannot be denied. After watching it, you may want to share its information with friends.  We are all in this together. 

We need to wake up and realize what is happening, folks!  Watch "Thrive" and other documentaries that have been prepared by those who have woken up and are trying to alert the rest of us to the dangers we and our planet are in!  Isn't it better to know about these things and try to do something about it, than to hide our heads in the sand?


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