Monday, January 02, 2012

Eric Cantor rewrites history and stays in denial about GOP hero Reagan

Like many Republicans, Cantor refuses to face reality. He and his press secretary, who was angry that truth was being told by Lesley Stahl, live in a bubble fantasy world of their own making. If truth ever knocks on the bubble and tries to intrude, they turn their heads and refuse to look at it.  The Republican party has become a cartoon travesty of a political party. With men like Cantor, Boehner, and their hero Loudmouth Liar Limbaugh--and faux are-you-kidding? candidates like Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Gingrich and Santorum, only fools and the sadly ignorant could take them seriously anymore.  Watching them insist that black is white, in the face of proven truth to the contrary, feels as if we are living in a distorted comic book version of life.  Watch the Cantor interview clip from CBS 60 Minutes last night.


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