Monday, January 02, 2012

2012: A Year of Revolution

by Cenk Uygur | January 2, 2012 - 10:43am | permalink

Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party were appetizers for what is to come. I have never seen the American people so disgruntled, and neither has anyone else. Every number is a record. Congressional approval is at a record low of 9%. Can it get lower? Can it go negative? The number of people satisfied with the candidates running for president is at a record low. Dissatisfaction in this category is four times higher than it was even in 2008.

The Tea Party might not know it but they are mad about the same thing that Occupy Wall Street is. They have a sense that our politicians have sold us out - and they are 100% right. The problem isn't Big Government or Big Money. The problem is when Big Money buys Big Government leading to Big Corruption.

» article continues...

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Anonymous said...

Didn't the Democrats for many years control Congress? It is only about 1 year since the Rep. took the House but the Senate as well as the White House is still controlled by the Democrats. No wonder the American People are so dissatsified.