True to form, Tea Party fans of Sarah Palin are trying to rewrite the Wikipedia site on Paul Revere, in order to make it compare favorably with Palin's idiotic claims on the purpose of Revere's ride ("to warn the British" by calling out, "The British are coming!"). Just what you would expect from the right-wing apologists, to whom truth is utterly unimportant (i.e., they listen to FOX for their creative "news"). In fact, they consider Truth to be obstructive when it gets in the way of the concocted lies they have come to prefer. When they hear one of their heroes/heroines spouting even the most ridiculous of lies, they will rush to support this new "truthiness" as absolutely correct. I suppose in other times there have been people this naive, who would believe anything told to them by lying narcissists like a Rush Limbaugh or dumbbells like a Sarah Palin. But, in our time, when we have supposedly advanced in intelligence, it's hard to understand how non-thinking followers like these still exist. They even take pride in being called "dittoheads" by Limbaugh. Go figure.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
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» To be expected: Palin fans are trying to rewrite Revere's wikipedia page
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