Friday, June 03, 2011

Sarah Palin's history rewrite on Paul Revere's ride and the "Statute" of Liberty

Like Michelle Bachmann, Sarah doesn't know much about history. Which of course, in the minds of the Tea Partiers (who also don't know much), perfectly qualifies her to be their President.  She's "just like us," they claim.  And they'd sure love to have a beer with her at the local bar -- or, better yet, go hunting with her from a helicopter in Alaska.  Oh, but...oops...she's just bought a house in Arizona.  Let's see...what can they hunt there?...Oh yes, illegal Mexican immigrants. 

Intelligent Republicans are aghast at what has risen to the top in their party, but they should have seen it coming. When you espouse an ideology that promotes welfare for the rich while denying it to the poor, and allows racism/prejudice/hatred/ignorance/stupidity to dictate core policies of the party, this is the result.  Sarah says she will be visiting the "Statute of Liberty"


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