Tuesday, February 08, 2011

ONE MORE THING: Re. Cults and the Scientology article in the New Yorker

I wonder how many people will recognize their own church in the warning signs I wrote about in that previous posting. The Catholic Church and Opus Dei (an elite organization within the Church) come to mind. Cults are among us everywhere, in religion, in government, in the military, and in corporations. Wisdom calls for us to notice this with open eyes:
  • Hierarchical structure, the leader and his/her "assistants" (cliquish/elite group formed around the leader) enjoying perks that the other members do not,
  • No access to the leader by the rank and file members who are expected to work for the organization with little or no compensation (and, in fact, to pay for the "privilege"),
  • Spiritual texts being quoted and used to justify and defend abusive practices against the members,
  • Leadership that sets itself above the members--with a head figure or figures in obviously elevated positions, enjoying many fruits (huge monthly income, home or homes, cars, etc.) of the labors of the members.
  • Most important, there is an implied or overt teaching/assumption that the leader is "enlightened" -- and you are not.  Therefore, you are expected to always defer to his/her greater understanding and authority, and never question it.
Controversies about Opus Dei have centered around criticisms of its alleged secretiveness, its recruiting methods, the alleged strict rules governing members, the practice by celibate members of mortification of the flesh, its alleged elitism and misogyny, the alleged right-leaning politics of most of its members, and the alleged participation by some in authoritarian or extreme right-wing governments, especially the Francoist Government of Spain until 1978.  Within the Catholic Church, Opus Dei is also criticized for allegedly seeking independence and more influence.


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