This video from Huffington Post:
Why is it in our world today that the only news person relentlessly asking the important questions of those in power is...a comedian? Jon Stewart interviews Rumsfeld who is trying to sell his new book (and what a colossal JOKE it is! The man who blathered about how "there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know." calls his book Known and Unknown)! But, as we shake our heads at the absurdity of it all, we are laughing through our tears, as we consider the millions of lives that have been negatively affected because of the decisions made by the Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney gang, et al -- and all the deaths and terrible wounds caused by these men of the dark side.
In this interview, Rumsfeld points the finger everywhere but at himself -- notice how many times he says "It was the President's decision" or "Tenet and Powell were responsible for the intelligence," etc. Jon Stewart kept asking the same questions, pointing out what we all know to be true: that we went to war in Iraq because the Bush administration wanted to -- and nothing was going to stop them. But Rumsfeld continues to lie through his teeth with hypocritical aplomb, a skill that seems inborn in powerful Republicans. See Jon try again and again to get Rumsfeld to admit to what we all know: the Bush gang was -- and still is -- a band of lying, greedy, power-lusting, self-obsessed men who have led us all off a cliff.
You'll also want to watch Jon's take on the Scott Walker/Wisconsin demonstrations and the phone call Walker got from "David Koch" (a prankster Buffalo editor). You can view this at:
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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» MUST-SEE! Jon Stewart interviews Donald Rumsfeld
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