Wednesday, February 09, 2011

NBC news: Diet soda tied to higher risk for strokes, heart attacks, doctors are finding

Looks like the mainstream news is catching up, with this new warning.  There have been many warnings for years
by the alternative health community against aspartame in Nutra-sweet and in diet sodas. Just putting the word aspartame into Google will bring up tons of articles on this subject.  The very best source of articles/warnings written by many doctors -- and some articles that include the history of how aspartame was approved by the FDA (Donald Rumsfeld is involved) in the first place -- can be found at: (a highly recommended site if you want to learn more about aspartame and how it may affect your health.)

"By all means don’t give your kids artificial-anything, especially artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or Nutrasweet. These products can negatively affect brain function, behavior, and their health." --Dr. Laura Thompson, metabolic nutritionist

Aspartame is one of the most dangerous substances ever added to food. Not only has aspartame been proven to make you fatter, it's been proven to cause some pretty serious diseases, including brain tumors and neurological disorders.  And the proof is on file already. Aspartame has brought more complaints to the FDA than any other additive--ever. It's responsible for a full 75 percent of the complaints the agency gets. From 10,000 consumer complaints, the FDA compiled a list of 92 symptoms, including death.  --
Dr. William Campbell Douglas

"Aspartame makes you fatter... After having been consulted by thousands of overweight people suffering with problems concerning the liver and/or metabolism I can assure you that aspartame will not help you in any way, indeed it will help you to gain unwanted weight."  --Dr. Sandra Cabot, liver specialist
  • Bitter Truth of aspartame - Another article. "Unfortunately, many patients in my practice, and others seen in consultation, developed serious metabolic, neurologic and other complications that could be specifically attributed to using aspartame products."

  • Radio Interview Transcript - A transcript of a 1997 Dallas, Texas radio interview with Mary Nosh Stoddard, Founder of ACSN. "..It was first approved in 1974, but the approval was rescinded because of the brain tumor issue....We compare this to the cigarette issue because it's a very close parallel. How many cigarettes does it take to cause lung cancer or a stroke, or a heart attack? How many diet drinks do you have to consume to get a brain tumor? How many spoonfuls of Equal do you have to take to have a pancreatic tumor or liver damage? The answer is: We don't know exactly what amount because it does not show up in short term testing. It's the long term effect. "


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