Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Truthful essay by Jack Lessenberry: THE VOTERS REJECTED TRUMP


Look at these figures and tell me with a straight face that the American people chose Donald Trump to be their president:

Hillary Clinton: 63,541,056 48.0%
Donald Trump: 61,864,015 46.7%

Other candidates: 7,034,595 5.3 %

Clinton clearly actually was the candidate we most wanted to be our next chief executive — despite all the unexpected blue-collar and rural voters who showed up in droves in places like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, and — yes — Michigan.

We've got less than two months before the leadership of our nation is passed from an elegant grown-up to perhaps the most repellent case of arrested development on the planet.

So what do we do?

There are those who piously say that Trump "deserves a chance." But nobody can claim that after he named the notorious bigot and hate-monger Stephen Bannon chief strategist and senior counselor on Nov. 13.

That was followed by the appointment of Muslim-hating Michael Flynn as his national security adviser, and whack job conspiracy theorist Mike Pompeo as head of the CIA.

Flynn has said fear of Islam is rational; Pompeo thinks we need to hold more foreign suspects longer, and create a gigantic new spy database that coordinates phone records with "publicly available financial and lifestyle information."

We're really in trouble, and it's just beginning.

Again, so what do we do?

For rest of essay, go to:


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