Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Watch Bernie talk to us online Thursday! - The Revolution Continues!

YES!!!  The political revolution continues!  It is the best hope for our nation, if not having him as our President in this election, at least for the future elections and the generations who come after us!  I believe Bernie will be in solidarity with Clinton if she is the nominee this time (and it certainly appears that she will be), but he is not going to let go of the important issues that he fought so hard for and that we all support.  If the Big Money doesn't get out of politics, we will live in an oligarchy forever, with our representatives and their Congressional votes sold to the highest bidders and the White House ruled by Wall Street. Climate change MUST be addressed NOW.  We have to get a progressive Democratic Senate and House into power in this election!  As Bernie says, "We won't settle for the status quo" any longer!  Even if you're a Hillary supporter, you have to admire Bernie and his mission to bring power to the voice of the people. His proposals are essential and must be included in the Democratic party's platform.  Together, we can make the changes we all long for in our country -- and in the world.

Eastern time 8:30 p.m.     Pacific time:  5:30 p.m.

A message from Bernie Sanders

When we started this campaign, I told you that I run not to oppose any man or woman, but to propose new and far reaching policies to deal with the crises of our time. And for the past fourteen months, through the entire primary process, we've sent the establishment a message they can't ignore: we won't settle for the status quo.

After June 14, the voting is done, but our political revolution continues.

I want to talk you directly on Thursday night about what's next for our campaign in a live, online video address at 8:30 p.m. EDT, 5:30 p.m. PDT. I hope that you will join.

Sign up to RSVP to watch my live, online video message on Thursday night:

This campaign is about more than Bernie Sanders. It is about all of us together. It is about millions of people from coast to coast knowing that we can do much better as a nation.

I hope that you will join the conversation on Thursday night and ask your friends to do the same.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders


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