Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I see Trump is bringing in Sarah Palin to endorse him in Iowa today -- what a pair, truly made for each other.  Wouldn't it be something if Trump chooses Sarah for his Vice President running mate?  This is one match-up that John McCain would most certainly applaud and encourage.  McCain hates Trump and would be delighted to see "the Donald" saddled with "the Sarah."  Who knows better than McCain what THAT is like? 

It's interesting that Trump thinks Sarah will be a benefit to his campaign.  I think most Republicans (except for some mouth-breathing knuckle draggers in the Tea Party) would have learned their Sarah Palin lesson by now and see her as a "yuge" detriment.  Trump seems to know what type his supporters are -- he is banking that there are a few morons left in the TP who see Sarah as intelligent (perhaps in comparison to them). 

The ruin of the GOP is upon them and the Trump/Cruz supporters don't even realize how far they have sunk into comic absurdity as their party crumbles beneath them.  The following article tells the tale well:

By P.M.Carpenter

One can always count on David Brooks to exacerbate his party's snarled predicament while attempting to untangle it. He's adrift in pronounced panic over the haunting spectres of Trumpism and Cruzism, and yet he can't see the fundamental source of either's strength, which is America's presumed and sudden weakness; its debilities, its deformities, its unspeakable decline, all of which are GOP fictions hustled by both tea partiers and Brooks' Establishment for seven distorted years.

Messrs. Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Christie and others in the Republican presidential sewer are the voices of hyperpartisan darkness because their party demands it; years of Obamian foulness (or so the party line has gone) have brought the nation to the brink of doom and Lordy Lord what is to be done, indeed what can be done? America is in free-fall collapse, its enemies laugh at us and manipulate us and in general have their way with us, while at home a dystopian stench has set in.

President Obama is an iron-handed dictator who accomplishes every evil he dreams of, although he accomplishes these evils while being hopelessly incompetent. "Feckless" is the GOP's Orwellian word for the president's ruthless effectiveness. And just part — there are many, many parts — of Obama's entrenched evil is that he's indifferent to everyday Americans. Nay, he is positively hostile to everyday Americans. Unlike Trump, who attended Wharton, and quite unlike Cruz, who attended Princeton and Harvard, Obama is an Ivy League elitist who simply cannot "relate" to anyone clinging to guns and religion. Such has been the Brooksian, Establishment party line.

What has Obama's wickedness yielded? Trump and Cruz, of course, who of course terrify the dazed and disoriented David Brooks. Yet Obama's wickedness, indifference and unprecedented despotism have, according to Mr. Brooks today, also yielded a mass of "less-educated voters [who] are in the middle of a tidal wave of trauma." No less than a tidal wave, mind you, and no less than a traumatic one. "Labor force participation is dropping," continues Brooks, "wages are sliding, suicide rates are rising, heroin addiction is rising, faith in American institutions is dissolving."

Let's put aside that labor participation is dropping because America is aging, and that employment gains, under Obama, have been brisk. Let's put aside that though sluggishly, wages have in fact been rising — not sliding. And let us put aside that your average American neighborhood is hardly an opium den of addiction marked by mass suicide, or that American institutions, while weaker, are still standing. Let us try to put all this aside.

Can we — that is to say, can most of Brooks' readers? No they cannot. Why? Because David Brooks and propagandistic friends have been pounding their Establishment message of dystopian gloom ever since the giddy Elysium of George W. Bush faded. Whenever they haven't been labeled absolute evils, healthcare expansion and financial reform and even economic recovery and employment gains have been dismissed by the right's commentariat as mere nothings. Fear, anxiety and fatalism have instead been promoted — dangled relentlessly and recklessly before the reading base and viewing rubes, who've swallowed every last hyper-alarming word of it. The Republican Party is now draped in nothing but darkness.

This, it should be noted with equal relentlessness and no apologies, is what the GOP Establishment hath wrought. It is not a creation of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz; it is, rather, the creation of John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, David Brooks & Ink-Slinging Friends. It has damned them to the narrowest of electoral hells — a damnation they're just now noticing.

Reader's Comment

the blame game

The mystery of the 2016 election looms. We were on the "slippery slope" long before, but the tumble down the mountain side began in earnest as of the 9-11 cataclysmic disaster and its aftermath. While it was mostly an evil "miracle" that it was so successful, that all the details fell in place unnoticed in its planning, it was most definitely planned with the highest players in the US government. In short, a conspiracy. But as in most conspiracies, a lot of accidental things happened along the way to bring it off.

It was the starting point of the present, rotten mess we got, all of which was as well calculated and advanced by a few ring leaders, and the multitudes of greedy vultures on the edges playing along. After bush/cheney, we got obama/geithner. We were totally blind-sided by these last two, and I suppose with the bush business too. This crash was not an accident.

So, now we are playing the blame game, as tho' there is much else to do right now. What is different now than with the guys who precipitated the crash, for them it was easy to derail the train. All you gotta do is screw up the track a little on a steep grade going down, and gravity does the rest. Clearing the wreckage and manufacturing a whole new train takes time and work and money. And a lot of good organization and expertise.

This is where we are now with the crash, only we don't have the money, organization, or insightful expertise to get it done, plus that, we still got a whole bunch of secret saboteurs interrupting the rescue and recovery. And that's not an accident either.

To keep the money flowing to the top and most of us too deep in shock to realize what is happening, just trying to survive, we need all the mayhem, war, and terrorism. It keeps us preoccupied first of all and helpless and losing our rights, scared, and not willing to admit what has been done to us. We refuse to believe people in power could be so conniving and ruthless. It is too horrifying even to imagine.

And to compound our incredulity, we now are fussing over our candidates, arguing and fighting over which candidate can, or will be willing, to do anything about our mess.

And in truth, none of them have the foggiest idea what can be done, first of all, the options are so limited, and second, any candidate who becomes president will be facing the same stacked deck as did Obama. They will be all alone facing an army of well disciplined psychopathic private mercenaries who intend to keep citizens disoriented, and the money flowing to the top.


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