Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Important recommendations for viewing

A friend just sent me the following e-mail (in blue type below).  I've been watching Danny Sheehan's talks online. My friend is right. He's not pulling any punches.  As one who is privy to insider info on many subjects about which truth has been hidden (i.e., JFK assassination, extraterrestrial visits to our planet, the dismantling of our Constitution and civil rights), he's making full disclosures and letting the chips fall where they may.  The following information is for anyone who is interested in what is really going on -- in politics and in other major matters in our world. 

If you're not familiar with Daniel Sheehan, he is a civil rights Constitutional lawyer who has been involved in many famous cases; he is a real firebrand in trying to bring justice and fairness -- and vital information -- to our world.
In 2001 he served as General Counsel to The Disclosure Project, which coordinated the sworn testimony—before members of the United States Congress—of former U.S. Military Officers, Federal Aviation Administration officials, and NASA employees attesting to direct personal knowledge of Government information concerning the UFO phenomenon and the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Sheehan also served as General Counsel to the Institute for Cooperation in Space, a U.S. citizens group dedicated to banning space-based weapons and the development of any weapons intended for offensive use against potential extraterrestrial civilizations. He has also presented, on multiple occasions, a talk on the Philosophical and Theological Implications of the Human Discovery of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at the International UFO Congress.  See more about him at:   AND 
and then, if you are interested, watch his latest talks given at UCSC, on the live-streaming link below. He presents fascinating, intriguing and extremely important information to know about!

For years, I've had a great interest in near-death experiences and after-life information. I'm happy to hear that Dr. Raymond Moody will be living in Santa Cruz and offering symposia on that subject to this community! (see for his first one).

Please pass along to your e-mail list any of this information that you find interesting and informative.  A new wave of truthful reporting is becoming available now to people all over the planet at this most crucial time in Earth's history.  It is up to us whether we educate ourselves or let the opportunity pass by.  Here is my friend's e-mail:

Hi Eileen,
I wonder if you are aware that Danny Sheehan has been teaching a course on the Constitution up at UCSC. (University of California, Santa Cruz).  Rico and I want to recommend that you
watch it online. Every class has been live streamed and goes immediately onto the Romero Institute youtube channel. Here is the link:

Yesterday's class was absolutely would be a good introduction to what the class has been about and what he plans to uncover in the remaining
classes. He isn't holding anything back now.

Also Danny will be giving a talk at the upcoming Contact in the Desert event: He will be talking about Pope Francis and his public
call to the people of the world regarding the implications of the discovery of another highly advanced civilization in our galaxy. 

One other event you might want to know about. Raymond Moody (of Life After Life fame) and his wife are moving to Santa Cruz. Raymond will be on the faculty 
at UCSC and will be teaching in the Philosophy Department. He will also be offering a series of symposia for the community. Here is a link to the first one:


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