Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A MUST MUST-SEE!!!! re POPE FRANCIS    I just finished watching this video of attorney Daniel Sheehan's class presentation yesterday and am trying to catch my breath at all the information it includes, revealing secrets from past U.S. history and predicting soon-to-be-announced events that will change the world. Much drama is certain to ensue from the Pope's planned actions.

If you are interested in Pope Francis and what his plans are for this year, you will want to watch this session of the exceptional course that is being taught at UCSC by Daniel Sheehan.  I urge you to take an hour and a half out of your life and be totally blown away by the news of what our present Pope has planned for us...and if you stay till the end of the video, you will hear who the next Pope (now standing in the wings, and on the same page with Francis in ideas and ideals) will be when Francis retires (yes, Francis is another Pope who will retire when he considers his work to be done--and boy, does he have a staggering and MOST important work ahead of him).  On June 5, the Pope is slated to announce an encyclical to address the looming catastrophe of global warming, requesting immediate mandatory, enforceable restrictions on all nations re. carbon emissions--stressing the moral imperative that demands this action.  And, in September he will be giving talks at the U.N. and to a joint session of Congress.  But that isn't all he has planned -- you will have to watch the video to hear what Francis will do if his warning is not heeded by all nations -- which will absolutely lead to widespread, dramatic changes on our planet, one way or another. We are living in an incredible time in history, that's for sure!

Start watching the video at 18 minutes in, when the class actually begins.  I am astounded by all the valuable information being imparted by Sheehan to this class of young people, who will be inheriting the world and its problems. He is marshalling their energy, mobilizing and providing them with the knowledge they will need to tackle those problems --  and with essential information to impart to others.  His insights being shared in this class are based on his own experiences and on his being privy to behind-the-scenes activities in many government institutions around the globe (including the Vatican).  I promise you, you will be riveted by the presentation.

It's amazing to hear this man speak of all he has seen, witnessed and been a part of in his life. His knowledge is all-encompassing regarding real history vs. what we have been told/sold by those who want to keep their insidious actions and secrets from the people. 

If you never watch anything else, this is one you don't want to miss!

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