Sunday, July 26, 2009

Down goes another hypocrite!

Another one bites the dust.  They're falling fast and furious these days...

Here we go again. Another phony pro-life or should I say, anti-choice republican gets exposed in dirty dealings. He's not so much against the idea of sex as wanting the young ones for himself.

Ken Whitehouse:

State Sen. Paul Stanley (R-Memphis) will resign his chairmanship of the Senate Commerce Committee tomorrow, has learned, in the wake of the revelation that he was the subject of an attempted blackmail scheme over a sexual relationship with an intern in his office.

Nashville Post:

In April of this year, I and a group of Planned
Parenthood supporters from Memphis met with Sen. Paul Stanley in his
office. We told him about all the good Planned Parenthood does in
Memphis by providing basic gynecological health care and birth control
to teens and young people and also providing medically-accurate
sexuality education programs. I had hoped to convince him that there’s
a real need for our services, especially in Memphis, which has the
highest sexually transmitted infection rates in the nation and one of
the highest teenage pregnancy rates as well. Planned Parenthood
Greater Memphis Region tries to help young people and low income
people, almost all of whom are already sexually active protect
themselves from pregnancy and disease. Sen. Paul Stanley is my state
senator, and he made it clear at our meeting that he didn’t care about
my concerns about these issues that have a major impact in the Memphis
area and that he would not ever support Planned Parenthood.

He told us that he didn’t believe young people should have sex
before marriage anyway, that his faith and church are important to
him, and he wants to promote abstinence, blah, blah, blah. Now I
realize that when he said those things, he had already been sexing it
up with an intern and her boyfriend was trying to blackmail him with
dirty pictures. In retrospect, I think maybe Sen. Stanley meant that
he just doesn’t want young people to have sex with each other, thereby
saving the cute young things for himself. Hypocrite, anyone?

No sex for you....Is Stanley saying that after marriage you should be able to have sex with everybody?
