Monday, March 06, 2017

Robert Reich: The Old Trump is Back. In Fact, He Never Left

The Old Trump is Back. In Fact, He Never Left
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by Robert Reich | March 6, 2017 - 7:14am

— from Robert Reich's Blog

It seems an eternity ago but it was only last Tuesday night when Donald Trump addressed a joint session of Congress and stuck to the teleprompter without going off the deep end – eliciting rapturous praise from the media.

"Donald Trump at his most presidential,"gushed NBC; "a recitation of hopes and dreams for the nation," oozed NPR; "the most presidential speech Mr. Trump has ever given — delivered at precisely the moment he needed to project sobriety, seriousness of purpose and self-discipline," raved the New York Times; "he did something tonight that you cannot take away from him. He became president of the United States," rhapsodized CNN's Van Jones.

The bar was so low that all Trump needed to do was not sound nuts and he was "presidential."

But that all ended Saturday morning when the old Trump – the "birther," the hatemonger, the thin-skinned paranoid, the liar, the reckless ranter, the vindictive narcissist, the whack-o conman – reemerged in a series of unprecedented and unverified accusations about his predecessor.

In truth, the old Trump was there all along, and he will always be there. He's unhinged and dangerous. The sooner congressional Republicans accept this, and take action to remove him – whether through impeachment or the 25th Amendment – the better for all of us.


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