but the conservative bishops/cardinals sure are!
EXCERPT: After an initial draft of the synod's final document was released on Monday, conservative bishops vowed to row back on the upbeat tone adopted regarding gays, cohabitation and re-marriage, saying it would create confusion among the faithful and threatened to undermine the traditional family. (in truth, it should read: threatened to undermine the authority of the bishops and their control over the sheeple).
The cardinals and bishops who have long reigned over the laity, ruling them with an iron hand, do not want to lose their high positions of authority, privilege and reverent obeisance by the "faithful." Why, that would put the Church "hierarchy" on an equal level with everyone else...good grief, we can't have that! Interesting, isn't it, that that seems to be exactly what Pope Francis wants. Poor guy, they won't let him get away with it. The two factions (liberal and conservative) are fighting for control of the future of the Church. Whether it will have a future depends on who wins....
Funny, isn't it, that the same fight seems to be happening in the world at large as well? Whether the planet and its inhabitants have a future is at stake. Conservative traditionalists are unable to see that change is necessary if we are to survive. Their greed-and-power-driven determination to maintain the status quo will be the death of us.
Monday, October 20, 2014
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» Pope Francis: "God Is Not Afraid of New Things"
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