Thursday, June 26, 2014

PA neighborhood watch member also a proselytizer for the KKK

I like one Reader's Comment to the article:  The modern communication age is wonderful. Now everyone who chooses to look can see their neighbors, school officials and politicians for exactly what and who they are.  There's a lot of truth in that statement. It's hard to hide prejudice, no matter how much one may deny it if confronted about it.  As for William Walters, he's obviously not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. In his 2nd Facebook entry below, he refers to affirmative action as "affirmation" action.  Walters has the "old white man" mentality that is slowly disappearing as the elder generation passes away.  These old white men are most often Republicans of the Tea Party persuasion who don't recognize/admit that their beliefs are racist.  You have to wonder at how the Republican party of the future will be able to remain a major political force, as time and raised consciousness replace the ignorance and bigotry of much of today's membership. If they keep on the way they are going, the "Grand Old Party" will be nothing but a memory in another generation or two.

PA neighborhood watch member says he was fired for ‘religious belief’ in white superiority

By Scott Kaufman
Thursday, June 26, 2014

A former member of the Tacony Town Watch in Philadelphia is claiming that he was removed from the watch because of his “religious belief” in the superiority of the white race.

William Walters, the Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan-affiliated group East Coast Knights of the True Invisible Empire, told Philadelphia that the organization is “a Christian group,” and on his Facebook page, he regularly argues that his racist beliefs are religious in origin:

Walters said he plans on suing the Town Watch and the 65th Ward for his dismissal as soon as he finds a lawyer who will take his case. The American Civil Liberties Union already rejected him, and he has yet to hear back from the Philadelphia Bar Association.

“My rights were infringed upon,” he said. “I can’t believe in what I want to? This has infringed on my First Amendment rights. It’s reverse discrimination.” Such discrimination is another of his favorite discussion topics on Facebook:

He also insisted that the Klan is no longer a hate group.

“I know we have a bad name, but it’s not that way no more,” he said. “When was the last time a black or Hispanic got hung on a tree?”

Town Watch President Joe Nicoletti told Philadelphia that he was not removed for his beliefs, but because he was using his position as a member of the Town Watch to proselytize.

“We received information that Bill had been distributing flyers in the neighborhood trying to recruit new members,” he said.

In the meantime, Walters vowed to start his own town watch with his fellow Klansmen.

“We’re basically the same thing as the town watch,” he said. “We want to try to get rid of the trash coming in.”


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