Monday, February 17, 2014

Chris Hedges: Our Sinister Dual State

Journalist Chris Hedges is speaking truth, but how many are listening? Sadly, not enough.

EXCERPT from article below:
Totalitarian states always invert the moral order. It is the wicked who rule. It is the just who are damned.

Snowden, we are told, could have reformed from the inside. He could have gone to his superiors or Congress or the courts. But Snowden had numerous examples—including the persecution of the whistle-blower Thomas Drake, who originally tried to go through so-called proper channels—to remind him that working within the system is fatal. He had watched as senior officials including Barack Obama lied to the public about internal surveillance. He knew that the president was dishonest when he assured Americans that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which meets in secret and hears only from the government, is "transparent." He knew that the president's statement that Congress was "overseeing the entire program" was false. He knew that everything Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told the press, the Congress and the public about the surveillance of Americans was a lie. And he knew that if this information was to be made available to the public he would have to do so through a few journalists whose integrity he could trust.

Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines: Newsletter {current_date format="%n %j, %y} Editing:Newsletter Feb 17, 2014 Editing:Newsletter Feb 17, 2014

Column: Chris Hedges on Criminal Goverment
"Our Sinister Dual State" -- Edward Snowden's leaks expose a duality in which a government that carries out crimes under our Constitution lies beyond the reach of the law and citizens are rendered legally helpless. We must use his disclosures to purge from power those who have eviscerated our civil liberties.

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