I think it's appropriate to share with others, too--especially those who may be having a hard time believing how deep and dark are the secrets that have been kept from us (we, the people) by our government and military through the years and into the present time. Following is what I wrote to my friend:
Regarding geoengineering and weather manipulation: It is hard to assimilate information like this that flies in the face of all we have believed about our government, our country and its leaders and their motives. It's like lifting a big rock on which is painted the American flag and a picture of mother and apple pie, which we have been sold as the truth about our country by our so-called "leaders" over so many years --- and finding thousands of poisonous snakes and spiders scurrying out from under it. The best we can do at this point is to inform others about the geoengineering/weather manipulation and hope for enough people to believe it, so an outcry of NO! can be heard all the way across the globe. Most of the people I have known over the years who have been aware of these things--and who have marched, as I have, in many protests, think that a general outcry of NO! is probably not going to happen. There are just not enough aware people at this point. We can't even get people to acknowledge chemtrails in the skies above them, even when they are staring right at them. Many still think they are just aircraft "contrails." Sigh. But at least we must try to inform as many as we can.
We are heading into very turbulent times on the planet, with upheavals and population decimations caused by the few against the many. Be prepared for people not to believe this if you try to tell them. Because of fear, far more will run from the information than toward it. The best hope we have are for voices like Helen Caldicott's and Dane Wigington's and perhaps the new journalism funded by the eBay founder to become more and more what the public will turn to for true information. But you have to realize that those who trust our major media for their "news" are not going to hear this true information. Ever. The major media is owned by the very ones who are perpetrating the evil upon us--the military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about in his presidential leave-taking speech.
I don't know if you watched Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night -- she had on a segment about the loud explosions being heard by Oklahomans -- called minor earthquakes that are causing cracks in homes -- hundreds of these earthquakes are occurring there. Rachel thinks they are being caused by fracking. Possibly. Another possibility is that HAARP is capable of causing earthquakes, too. There are thousands of reports of loud booming noises being heard all over our country and in other countries, too. Booms that come out of nowhere, are untraceable to a source and that rattle the ground (and the people). You can see and hear many of these on youtube. There are also strange cloud formations, never before seen in our skies -- and strange lights in the skies that are unaccountable for by natural means. These, it is suspected, are also caused by HAARP. Once you start looking into this kind of thing -- and attend conferences as I have where you hear truth-telling, whistle-blowing government and military people and scientists trying to get their stories out, you become aware of a dark world of greed and power beyond the cover-up world we have been trained to believe in all our lives. You begin to realize that our leaders, including Obama, are all lying to us -- and can't be trusted. At this point, I still trust Elizabeth Warren -- but if she stays truthful and gathers a great following, you can be sure she will be relegated to the trash heap, one way or another. Hillary and Bill Clinton are part of the cabal that rules this planet -- they have become multi-multi-millionaires while selling us out and engaging in all kinds of subterfuge while appearing as liberals who care about the people. If either she or Jeb Bush is our next president, it will be six of one or half a dozen of the other. They are two sides of the same coin, and Obama is in the same league, as we who supported him so enthusiastically have all since discovered.
This is a lot to digest for someone who has believed we are living in a government of the people, by the people, for the people. That hasn't been true since the elite took over way back in the late 1800s...and possibly even before that. Politics has always been a dirty business -- but it has become far worse since Reagan when regulations were taken off the corporations and taxes were reduced on the rich. That's when the middle class began to disappear -- and it's practically gone now. The middle class was the mainstay of our capitalistic type of government, but no longer. Reagan convinced us that the money would "trickle down" from the rich to the rest of us. Well, now we can see what really happened.
We're being told now by whistle blowers that there are many underground cities (reports over the years of loud explosions and "hums" under the earth confirm that these underground places were being created for decades--and probably still are being created). Go into youtube and just plug in words like "loud booming noises" or "strange cloud formations" and see what comes up. There are dozens and dozens of videos to watch that will convince you we are living in a world far different from the one we thought. Whistleblowers have been coming out of the woodwork but are ridiculed and/or killed or threatened to silence them. Many of these whistleblowers are in their 80s now and are approaching the last years of their lives, so are determined to tell their stories before they leave the earth. Dozens of these people, both government and military, have told their stories in the Disclosure Project, which is all about the coverup of UFOs and the alien presence on earth. Our leaders know all about this -- but info is being kept from the public as much as possible. The Disclosure Project has even had press conferences for the mainstream press in Washington, D.C. , which very few mainstream journalists attended, although all were invited. Those who did attend were either afraid to report it or commanded not to report on it -- or at the very least to ridicule it. And so the public stays uninformed and dumbed down. Type in Majestic 12 in google and see what you come up with as to what has been kept from us.
For more information of what our government has been capable of in harming its citizens, go to Google and type in MKUltra. Or just look at the list of human guinea pig experiments conducted on U.S. citizens without their knowledge or approval at: http://www.wanttoknow.info/humanguineapigs It's time now for this information to become widespread, but the government will do all it can to keep that from happening -- by ridicule and disinformation pieces put out on mainstream news and in the Internet.
And so it goes.... My own feeling is that the world will go on as it has, with deception and lies and greed and power having the upper hand in the leadership for now--with all the consequences that may bring upon us. For us (we, the people) the best thing we can do is to grow spiritually -- to try to understand what life is really about and who/what we really are. Maybe all this worldly dream and its dark appearance is to wake us up to our true nature. We are not just physical bodies -- we are spiritual beings appearing in physical form for a short earth life. When the bodies die, we don't die. That is a good start for anyone to learn, because fear of death is the strongest fear, keeping us imprisoned in our own minds and confining us to such a small existence belief. Fear is what keeps us under control of the elite "leaders" of our time. The truth is we are so much more than separate individuals with short life spans, but most of us don't realize our true nature and potential. Unless we become curious and start to investigate what quantum physicists and spiritual sages tell us, we will remain frightened and small, never realizing our real identity--which is eternal and deathless.
It's best not to be fooled by the appearance of the world, which is created by our own thoughts, the same as our night-time dream world. When you awake from a night-time dream, no matter how frightening it might have been -- or how wonderful -- you realize it was just a dream. The wise spiritual sages tell us this life is exactly the same. It is just a dream...a long dream, one we are meant to awaken from at some point, simply by hearing this truth about it. Does this ring within you as truth? If it does, you are on your way to being free of fear. It helps that quantum physicists are discovering the same thing and they are marveling that ancient sages and non-dual spiritual teachings have been telling this truth about our existence for centuries. To be "in the world but not of it" is the thrust of their message.
If you are interested in knowing more about the scientific and spiritual teachings that can take fear away and bring peace of mind even during these days of dire events on the planet, there are many good books and videos you can access online about quantum mechanics and non-duality. You may have noticed by now in life that everyone is seeking happiness in everything they do -- but happiness, real happiness, continues to elude everyone. The rich try to get it by becoming richer, the powerful try to get it by becoming more powerful, and the "little people" try to get it by buying a new car or trying to find the perfect partner. Even if the seekers get exactly what they want, it is never enough, and it doesn't last. So, on and on they go, looking for the next "high" -- Once you notice this going on around you in the world and in yourself, that is the beginning of the spiritual search.
Have you ever noticed that even the little song we sang as kids is telling the truth, but we never noticed? "Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream" (~.~)
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
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» An e-mail I just sent to a friend who is concerned and frightened about geoengineering
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