As one reader comments, and I wholly agree with him:
People are trying to understand why this insanity is taking place. There is not a single institution that has not been affected. Whether it be the pharmaceutical, medical, governmental, educational, religious, etc., all are being manipulated and controlled to the detriment of our physical existence. I personally feel this is a wake-up call for people to take back their power for themselves and stop giving it away to external organizations, whether they are governmental or religious belief systems. We are evolving from being merely a physical body with a mind (ego) into a spiritual being only by realizing who we are and what our full potential is. Together we can bring an end to this madness. This is not an accidental event and, as Dane points out in the video, we need to organize at a grassroots level. (By Paul Maupin)
I can understand the position that people are taking, trying to understand why this insanity is taking place. There is not a single institution that has not been affected, whether it be the pharmaceutical, medical, governmental, educational, religious etc., all are being manipulated and controlled to the detriment of our physical existence. I personally feel this is a wake-up call for people to take back their power for themselves and stop giving it away to external organizations, whether they are governmental or religious belief systems. We are evolving from being merely a physical body with a mind ( ego) into a spiritual being only by realizing who we are and what our full potential is. Together we can bring an end to this madness. This is not an accidental event and as Dane pointed out in the video, we need to organize at the grass roots level.
- See more at: can understand the position that people are taking, trying to understand why this insanity is taking place. There is not a single institution that has not been affected, whether it be the pharmaceutical, medical, governmental, educational, religious etc., all are being manipulated and controlled to the detriment of our physical existence. I personally feel this is a wake-up call for people to take back their power for themselves and stop giving it away to external organizations, whether they are governmental or religious belief systems. We are evolving from being merely a physical body with a mind ( ego) into a spiritual being only by realizing who we are and what our full potential is. Together we can bring an end to this madness. This is not an accidental event and as Dane pointed out in the video, we need to organize at the grass roots level.
- See more at: Wigington is, most likely, the
Here are crib notes from this speech:
In this video, Dane Wigington gives
The debate over whether geoengineering
Our skies today are simply not normal.
To be clear, what we are seeing is not
Our atmosphere is nothing but a massive
Dane reports, among other things, on:
* Geoengineering related climate disruptions,
* Ozone depletion
* Methane release
* Drastic reduction in arctic sea ice
* Global oxygen content reductions
* Oceans on the brink of collapse
* Massive fish die offs
* 200 species becoming extinct every single day
* A drastic rise in Autism, Alzheimer's, and
* Crisis level forest reductions
* The sterilization of soils making it impossible
Dane Wigington presents hard data, which
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