Wednesday, December 04, 2013

More UFO Secrets Coming Out

Interesting video containing truth, in my opinion. Over the years of attending many conferences re. UFO and other government secrets, I've heard the same information from other scientific, military and government people.  Even astronauts are coming out these days to confirm that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials and has been for many, many years.

Video (about 53 mins):   

A.H. is a person who has gained 
significant information from inside 
the UFO extraterrestrial groups 
within our government, military 
and civilian companies. 
He has friends at the NSA, CIA, 
NASA, JPL, ONI, NRO, Area 51, the 
Air Force, Northrup, Boeing and 
He used to work at Boeing as a 
surface technician. He met with 
4-star Gen. Curtis Lemay and one 
day, went to his house in Newport 
Beach, CA and spoke with him 
about this subject. 
Lemay confirmed the crash at 
Roswell. AH's NSA contact told him 
that Henry Kissinger, George Bush 
as well as Ronald Reagan and Mikhail 
Gorbachev were all aware of the ET 
His CIA contact told him that the 
USAF had shot down some of these 
spacecraft. A friend of AH's who 
worked at Boeing was part of crash 
recovery and personally saw and 
carried ET bodies. 
AH says that a group in the FBI 
discovered that radar testing was 
causing interference with some of 
the ETV's and that this was what 
was causing so many crashes. He 
also says that there are underground 
bases testing and maintaining 
extraterrestrial technology in Utah 
(reachable only by air), Enzo 
California, Lancaster/Palmdale 
California, Edwards AFB in California, 
March AFB, Eglan AFB in Florida, 
London England and many other 

Video (about 53 mins):   