Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daniel Sheehan Talk and Book Signing at Logos Books & Records

If you live elsewhere than Santa Cruz and have interest in changing the direction of our country, please pass along this information and consider buying the book. It is available at:

Subject: Daniel Sheehan Talk and Book Signing at Logos Books & Records

A very important talk and book signing will be taking place in our own town of Santa Cruz, by a man whose voice is being heard round the world.  Logos Books almost NEVER hosts a book signing event, but they are making an exception for this major event at their store.

I will be attending this talk and urge you to come, too.  Danny Sheehan will be talking about how the people have lost the reins of our country -- and offering a definite, workable plan as to how we can change that.  Not just talk, but local action.  Whenever change for the good of the people has taken place in any country around the world, it has always started at the local level and has always been initiated by the people.  That's us. 

We can't ignore what is happening in our country, where corporate money has bought politicians and changed laws to benefit themselves, completely ignoring the needs of "We, the People."  We see this happening now in Washington where our government is barreling towards shut down in a few days because of the demands of the few against the welfare of the many. You may be someone who has been economically affected by the ruthless greed of the military/industrial complex Eisenhower warned about in his farewell speech as President.  You may see what is happening, are appalled, but up to now have felt helpless to do anything about it.  Come hear what Danny Sheehan has to say, and listen to his plan to start a take-back of our country and its Constitution.  Ask yourself: If not now, when?  If not you, who? 

Come to Logos this Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m., and listen to the plan of one of America's foremost lawyers and advocates for the people.  Sheehan is positive and action-oriented, achieving many successes in his life that have greatly benefited people.  As the Logos invitation below says, this is a major event and is sure to gain national attention.  And it is beginning here in Santa Cruz.  Please be part of it.

We are happy to invite you to
Danny Sheehan's talk and book signing at Logos Books & Records, at 7:30pm, on Sept 25. The release of this book, "The People's Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America's Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer" is a major event and sure to gain national attention.

As you may know, Logos does not host many book signings; as a matter of fact, we do this about once a decade and only for those projects we deem highly important. This is one of them. Daniel Sheehan has played a key role in many of the most famous public interest cases of our time. These include the Pentagon Papers Case, Eisenstadt v. Baird, Black Panther 21 Trial, the Watergate burglary case, the Wounded Knee trials, the Silkwood Case, Three-Mile Island Incident, American Sanctuary Movement Case, Greensboro Massacre, and the Iran-Contra Affair. He is currently lead attorney and general counsel for the Lakota People's Law Project.

Sheehan, who is well-known as a great speaker, will give a talk and then sign copies of the new book. We hope you will attend, and let your friends know too!

See you then,
Logos staff

Who: Daniel Sheehan

Where: Logos, 1117 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 95060

When: Wednesday, Sept 25, 7:30 pm

Contact: 831-427-5100 (#6)


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