Sunday, September 22, 2013

Good for the gander but not for the goose: politicians' philosophy

From Blog for Our Future
By Derek Pugh

10 Farm Subsidy Recipients Who Voted to Cut Food Stamps
The proposed bill would cut food stamps by nearly $40 billion over a decade.

The House GOP believes in welfare – just not the kind that goes to help the poor, sick, students, elderly or working class. Thursday's vote to cut food stamps embodies what House conservatives are all about: giving billions away in corporate welfare to the richest with taxpayer dollars.

They are also about helping themselves. Before they rushed off to summer recess House Republicans voted in favor of a farm subsidy bill that was condemned by sensible conservatives as well as progressives for continuing to give wasteful subsidies to Big Agra.

Now, 10 of the members of Congress who receive those agriculture subsidies, either directly or indirectly through trusts or businesses hold by themselves or their spouses, voted to cut funding for low-income people whose only request is a modest meal.

The proposed bill would cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, commonly known as the "food stamp" program) by nearly $40 billion over a decade.

Included among the members of Congress who voted to cut SNAP benefits are these members of Congress who received subsidies through the farm bill in 2012. The only recipient of farm subsidies in 2012 who voted against the benefit cut was Rep.  David Valadao (R-Calif.), co-owner with his wife of Triple V Dairy Farm. Figures are from the Environmental Working Group Farm Subsidy Database.

  • Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.). His wife,  Caroline Aderholt, is a 6.3 percent owner of  McDonald Farms according to 2008 ownership records. McDonald Farms received $66,891 in direct payment farm subsidies in 2012. She also personally received a $345 direct payment in 2012.
  • Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.). He and his wife Lynn Fincher are each 50 percent partners in Stephen & Lynn Fincher Farms. They received a $70,574 direct payment farm subsidy in 2012.
  • Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.). A trust named  Lowell and Viky Hartzler Family Revocable Trust is listed as a 98 percent owner of  Hartzler Farms, which received $697 in direct payment/ACRE and $686 for the Conservation Reserve Program for a total of $1,383 in 2012.
  • Rep. John Kline (R-Minn.). His wife,  Vicky Sheldon Kline, is listed as a 20 percent owner of  Sheldon Family Farms LP, which received a $3,025 conservation reserve program payment in 2012. EWG's estimate of the conservation reserve program payments Ms. Kline received is $605 for 2012.
  • Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calf.). He and his wife  Jill LaMalfa are each 16.67 percent partners (combined share totals 33.33%) of  DSL Lamalfa Family Partnership, which received $188,570 in direct payments for 2012.
  • Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.). His wife  Lynda Lucas received $14,584 in disaster payments in 2012.
  • Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas). He received a 2012 direct payment of $339.
  • Rep. Kristi Noem (R- S.D.). She  received $1,400 in direct payments in 2012. Through 2008, USDA listed Rep. Noem as a 16.9 percent partner in Racota Valley Ranch.
  • Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.). He received a 2012 direct payment of $6,654.
  • Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas). He is a one-third owner of  Thornberry Brothers, which received a $5,103 direct payment and $4,078 in disaster aid payments in 2012. EWG's estimate of the farm subsidy benefits Thornberry received is $3,060 in 2012.

In our jobless recovery, food stamp benefits are more important now than even. Last year SNAP lifted 4 million people out of poverty, including 1.7 million children. A total of 47 million Americans have relied on SNAP benefits this fiscal year. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the House's legislation would deny 3.8 million people, who are already living on an average of $1.33 per meal, access to SNAP. This includes  177,000 veterans who rely on the program.



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ceresmary said...

and so sharing on facebook to my facebook people. This is the real reason behind the failure of why foodstamps became known as food supplements rather than a full meal. And in the end the case manager (when you apply for them) wants to remind you that if you failed to get them, don't worry, it just is supposed to supplement your why bother at all? Fail to understand that every "little bit" counts.

ceresmary said...

Hi will be cutting and pasting this for folks on facebook that I believe will appreciate this mess. In addition, I would like to add this;

they changed the name from "Food Stamps" to "SNAP" referring to supplemental nutritional ap program...why? Because they also wanted to make people believe that the need is just a supplemental addition, not full "meals" or real food.

So when you go and apply for the services and your case manager fails to add your income variables up correctly says; "well it never was intended to feed you, just to give you additional assistance." Because they now are teaching the case managers that somehow we're supposed to get our food from "some other source" than from SNAP.

What a horrible process. Thanks Starwisdom for sharing this.