Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Shh...keep it quiet! We're not supposed to know about this


Don't want to cause panic, do we?  So, for God's sake, don't tell the public about this!  Which is exactly what our government is doing, keeping the sword-of-Damocles hanging over our heads a secret, while they continue building vast just-in-case underground shelters for the really "important" people (in case you're wondering, that's not us!).  Remember when Republican conservatives were telling us how safe nuclear plants are?  You don't hear much from them these days insisting on building more nuclear power plants -- at least not from those in the know. 

And...all this time...for many, many decades, free energy (via Nikola Tesla's research) has been available to us.  But not for you and me or the rest of the 99 percenters in the world -- oh no -- what would Exxon Mobil do without us digging deep into our pockets for gas and electric power and bringing even more trillions$$$ into the pockets of the big oil corporations and the one percenters?  I used to read science fiction and feel relieved that those were just fiction -- only now we are living in a science-fiction-story-turned-factual -- and most people are not even aware of the danger we are in.

Se la vie....


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