Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Preaching pastors in the south


The ignorance that prevails on this planet is astounding.  Hatred, judgment and bigotry posing as "Christian" teachings are being taught in the churches.  And just look at the self-righteousness of the men spewing out their rabid speeches from the pulpit in the videos.  Are these the kind of people with whom you would even want to mingle, much less follow?  This is representative of Tea Party ideology.  Sadly, this is where the Republican party has come in our lifetime.  And, even sadder: millions staunchly support this ideology and line up at the polls to vote for it. 

In my childhood, the Democrats were the party of hatred and bigotry, especially in the South.  That all changed when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 (perhaps the only good thing that man ever did in his life).  Gradually, the Democrats began to accept civil rights for all human beings.  In opposition, the Republicans began to spurn civil rights for "defective" people like homosexuals and blacks -- and, to this day, they remain in that camp. Most of them would never think of themselves as prejudiced -- but the kinds of e-mails they send speak to their real beliefs. 


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alex654 said...

As an Orthodox Christian I cannot understand how any religion can teach hatred (going against the words of Jesus Christ who tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves) of any person regardless of their orientation. Because a person is Black, Asian, Gay or not of our religion, we are not God, therefore how can we know what is in their heart. What right do we have to judge our fellow man when judgement is in the hands of God. Jesus told us "Judge not less you be judged".