Friday, March 09, 2012

Blessed silence during commercial breaks on Limbaugh's show

Now there are beautiful, long silences during the commercial breaks in the online streaming of Limbaugh's show on WABC, the flagship station for his broadcasts. Here are the amazing stats:
  • A total of 86 ads aired during WABC's online streaming broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show yesterday;
  • 77 of those ads were public service announcements donated free of charge by the Ad Council;
  • Of the nine paid spots that ran, seven were from companies that have said they have taken steps to ensure their ads no longer air during the program;
  • WABC's online feed included about 5:33 of dead air when ads would normally have run.
Click here to listen to the silence during the commercial breaks on Rush Limbaugh's program, and be sure to share it with friends over Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else.

In the most important way, Limbaugh has killed himself. Ding dong, the evil loudmouth clown is dead! Women everywhere are rejoicing!  May he and his stinkin' cigar NEVER resurrect!
