Saturday, March 10, 2012

Catherine Crier has an excellent suggestion

She suggests that American women should listen to Santorum and accommodate him and Republican men by only having sex within marriage and only when wishing to procreate, just as Santorum has stated it should be.  In other words, women will stop having sex with men except in marriage and then only when they want to make a baby.  Otherwise, sex is out of the question.  I wonder how long that would last -- and how many Republicans would want to vote for Santorum then.   Watch Catherine on the Bill Maher show at:
► 5:58► 5:58

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STSWB5SG1FAN said...

Show of hands, what do people really think of this modern suffrage movement?

How many women would participate in this idea of going on a 'sex strike' (like Catherine Crier said women did in South America),how long would it be expected to last and what would be the conditions that would have to be met to end it?