Thursday, March 05, 2009

More from Jon Stewart re. Rush Limbaugh: great video

Revealing the real Rush:

Most people wonder how anyone could follow a man like this and accept his claiming them as his "dittoheads." But there actually are people in our country at this time who believe Rush Limbaugh is telling them the truth in all his rantings and ravings--and agree with him. Believe it or not, he is now the de facto head of the (much-diminished) Republican party!

I'm grateful to Jon Stewart for putting together this video "trip down Memory Lane" for those who may not quite recall the "best (or worst) of Rush." It is a wonderment that those who claim him as their leader can somehow stomach all of this (yuk!) and cheer him on. Thank god their numbers are getting fewer every day. It's nice to know there is a limit to what even some stalwart Bushaholics can stand.