Check out the video of Keith Olbermann's guide to our new Bill of Right
-- yes, there is no longer an "s" on the end. Under the Bush
administration, there's only one "right" left in what used to be called
our Bill of Rights. When you watch the video, you'll understand why.
Keith Olbermann is a national hero, in my opinion. He has stood up and
told it like it is--the only journalist brave enough to do so. I
honestly fear for his life. But because he has now become so
prominently outspoken and is being cheered by those of us who, up till
now, felt we had no voice in our America that is fast becoming a
dictatorship, perhaps he will be safe from the neocon payback. However,
I wouldn't count on it. Look at the hatchet jobs they did on McCain,
Kerry, Murtha, Cleland, and others who dared speak out against their
lies and deceit. I am hoping Keith does not have an "unfortunate
accident." Already he has been sent a white powder in the mail to his
home address. It turned out to be harmless, but the threat was damn real.
-- yes, there is no longer an "s" on the end. Under the Bush
administration, there's only one "right" left in what used to be called
our Bill of Rights. When you watch the video, you'll understand why.
Keith Olbermann is a national hero, in my opinion. He has stood up and
told it like it is--the only journalist brave enough to do so. I
honestly fear for his life. But because he has now become so
prominently outspoken and is being cheered by those of us who, up till
now, felt we had no voice in our America that is fast becoming a
dictatorship, perhaps he will be safe from the neocon payback. However,
I wouldn't count on it. Look at the hatchet jobs they did on McCain,
Kerry, Murtha, Cleland, and others who dared speak out against their
lies and deceit. I am hoping Keith does not have an "unfortunate
accident." Already he has been sent a white powder in the mail to his
home address. It turned out to be harmless, but the threat was damn real.
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