Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Can this be POSSIBLE? I';m afraid so....

My friend Claire sent me the following message (in black and green type below).  I have been thinking the same thing.  But are the American people SO Stupid as to allow all this to happen?  So far, they have been.  I agree with Claire's friend who wrote the words in green below...I would put NOTHING past Bush/Cheney, but I have some faith that the American people will rise up en masse against their turning us into a complete totalitarian government.  The thing is, as I write those words, I am well aware that, with their latest coup, the Military Commissions (Goodbye Habeas Corpus, Hello Torture) Act, the neocons have already taken us WAY beyond what I would ever have thought possible.  I watched Keith Olbermann's show last night on which he and Jonathan Turley, Georgetown Law professor, were giving a sad adieu pronouncement to our rights as citizens with Bush's signing of this horrible Nazi-like bill into law. For more information on the bill and its ramifications for us, go to:    Unless the Supreme Court overturns it (as the Court is now packed with Bush-loving appointees, that is a long shot, at best), Bush now has the right to arrest any American citizen he deems "dangerous," have them slammed into prison without charging them, deny them the right to bail and legal representation forever--and he can have them tortured at will.  All of this is now possible for the dictator/president to do in OUR country!  And, horror of horrors, we all know he is an evil idiot who cannot ever be trusted to make a right decision based on honesty and truth. 

My god, it is a tragedy what we have come to.  And we have two more years of this brutal regime to endure--unless we can impeach them out of office.  Claire's friend is right.  These evil men will do ANYTHING to prevent the takeover of the House and Senate by Democrats.  If vote fraud and Diebold machine hacking don't work this time for them, as they did in the last two (s)elections, we have a good chance of being in a full state of fascism within months.  I am wondering WHERE are our Democrat leaders as our rights are being taken away?  I was only aware of Ted Kennedy and Russ Feingold speaking out yesterday with harsh statements against Bush's signing of the Torture bill!  WHERE are the rest of our so-called "leaders"?  HOW can they stay SILENT on this issue?  WHERE are Hillary Clinton--and Bill Clinton when we most need them to speak up for us?!!!
The death knell of our democratic republic is being sounded.  But how many citizens are able to hear it?  Will we be just like Germany under the Nazis?  Allowing ourselves to be manipulated and controlled by a propagandistic evil fascist group of men--and letting them take our rights away with only a whimper instead of a ROAR?!!!  This all remains to be seen, but thus far the portents are not looking very positive.

If you think I am being too worried about this, please take a look at the bill Bush signed yesterday and tell me if you can believe this has happened in the United States of America. 

The comments below just came from my friend on the east coast. I hope his possible scenarios are far from what will unfold if the Democrats do indeed take the houses...

I think the question above is the penultimate question for the next 3 weeks or maybe 11 weeks (when a new Congress is due to be sworn in).  I fear that if the neo cons and Bush feel like they will lose both houses, they can see the end game will be impeachment proceedings, so they will do ANYTHING including nuking Iran to create chaos and try to terrify the American people.  They might even suspend the constitution before a new Congress is sworn in.  I would put NOTHING past them.

As the days tick away, the Democrats are looking more likely to take the House and possibly the Senate.  Therefore, I think anything could happen in the next three weeks.  If the elections happen and Diebold can't rig them enough to keep a Republican majority, then look for a move to strip Americans of their rights and a new fascist state to be born.   You may color me very surprised if on February 1, we still have our present style of government and Democratic majority in both houses.
