Sunday, October 15, 2006

I just watched an excellent film on DVD

It is called 9/11 Press for Truth, in which the most prominent members of the Family Steering Committee tell their story, providing powerful arguments for why 9/11 still needs investigation.  Adapting Paul Thompson's definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (a book published by HarperCollins as The Terror Timeline, also well worth ordering), the filmmakers put together rare, overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception, and spin.  Paul Thompson's onlite site provides meticulously researched information on 9/11 from hundreds of different news articles and news reporters.  You can see it at:   New, up-to-date information on current news and happenings can be found at

There is also an excellent site called Scholars for Truth, on which you can read some in-depth 9/11 research.  It's at:

I encourage everyone to see th eye-opening film 9/11 Press for Truth.  It's one you will want to share with friends.  You can order it on for $9.99.  Go to:

Another excellent film I recently ordered and watched yesterday is Iraq for Sale--The War Profiteers.  You can read more about it at  Another shocking eye-opener! 

If you are interested in truth, the above are two films to get you started on the search for it.  If you would rather condemn everyone who does not believe everything Bush and Cheney tell them and label them all "conspiracy nuts who hate your country," you can tune in Bill O'Reilly and listen to him rant about it, too. 

To watch some free online videos that are excellent, you can go to the following sites:

9/11 Mysteries (video)

Loose Change, 2nd Edition (Recut)

Terror Storm with Alex Jones (video)

9/11: A Conversation with Jim Fetzer (video)
