Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ABC News: Foley's Reputed Visit to the Page Dormitory

This story just keeps escalating--and Hastert, following the role model set by his pretzledent, continues to lie.  Interestingly enough, Scott Palmer, Hastert's Chief of Staff who often speaks for Hastert, actually lives with Denny.  When Hastert's wife visits (she lives separately, in Virginia), she stays in a hotel.  Funny kind of arrangement, don't you think?  It might account for why Denny keeps lying about what he knew and when he knew about Foley.  Gotta' try to keep that kind of scandal as far away from his door as possible.  His tactics don't seem to be working, 'cause, like a skunk, the thing just keeps returning to his door, smelling to high heaven.  I've heard the Foley thing is just the tip of an iceberg the Congressional Republicans ("moral Christian" folks that they are) don't want to see surface--AT ALL.  Should be interesting to see if any more unfolds.  And then we have the aide to Rove who was fired last Friday.  Might be a very intriguing story there, too, don'tcha' think?  I hope it isn't forgotten in the heat of the all the other breaking news.  But I'll bet Karl Rove is crossing his fingers it gets dropped by the press.

I expect the Republicans to create some kind of October surprise--maybe in the form of another "terrorist" attack in the U.S.?  What else could possibly get the attention of the public off of these latest stories?  Only more FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.  It'll take something Rrrreeeallllly Big, as Ed Sullivan used to say. 


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