Saturday, August 08, 2020

Mark Ruffalo -- his tragic life and how he has overcome severe obstacles without being defeated

Mark is one of my favorite actors -- I love the way he has dedicated himself to bringing truth to the public about religious, governmental and corporate abuse.  Just think about how much he has warned and informed us of:  His efforts to promote the documentary Gasland about the environmental and toxic dangers of fracking.  His performance in Spotlight about the abuses of the Catholic church.  

I just watched his performance in the movie Dark Waters, about the poison inflicted on millions of us through extremely toxic Teflon by DuPont, which was making that company tons of profit.  Despite knowing that Teflon was poisonous and killing people, DuPont continued promoting and producing all kinds of products with it, including cookware!  In the process, in areas near their factories, they were also poisoning the water that people were drinking.  I highly recommend this film for viewing by everyone.

And most recently, Mark's remarkable performance in HBO's series "I Know This Much Is True," as twin brothers living through great tragedy, deserves an EMMY best actor award.  

Mark has lived a life filled with challenges and hardship that he has had to overcome.  I just read this article about him, which helps me to understand the depth of the wise and caring man he has come to be.  I admire and respect him even more now, and think of him as one of the great actors -- and humanitarians -- of our time.

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