Saturday, December 01, 2018

A special treat from heaven: The Voice of an Angel - Eva Cassidy

Eva Cassidy was only 33 when she died of cancer in 1996. She was unknown to the world at the time, but her voice now lives on all over the globe, having been discovered after her death and made known worldwide from her recordings.  I have loved Eva's singing ever since first hearing the album of her songs, Songbird, several years ago. She truly had the voice of an angel.  Here are two of her most beautiful songs. Her version of Over the Rainbow is the best I've ever heard. Just close your eyes and listen to her -- I think you will feel as if you have been transported to the heavenly realms:

If you would like to know more about Eva, ABC Nightline did a special 18 minute show on her -- a labor of love by one of the people associated with the show, who was in love with her singing. Eva was an independent person, singing only the songs she really connected with. They ranged over jazz, gospel, blues and standards -- just about every venue, but she would sing only the songs she herself loved. She couldn't be categorized, which was one of the reasons she didn't become well known while alive. Record producers didn't know how to market her, so they passed on signing her -- much to their sorrow and regret later.

Here's the link to the ABC Nightline show:


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