Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Highly Recommended! An interview with Bob Dean--telling Real history for those who want to know the truth

This interview was made in 2012 but was put on the Internet just last year.  It is one you won't want to miss. Bob Dean is honest, truthful and one of the most sincere men I've ever met. I've spoken with him at a few of the UFO seminars I attended in the past.  You will hear from him truth that you'll never hear from mainstream media. A military man of impeccable integrity, he tells his story exactly as it happened to him, and it is one you will not forget. This is a 2-hour interview--if you would rather skip introductory info. about Bob and his life (altho' very interesting!), you can start viewing at 16 minutes in the video, where the meat of his story begins.  I guarantee you will be intrigued and fascinated, as he gives factual history from his own experience as a Command Sgt. Major in the Army in the 1950s and '60s -- serving in Korea (and also Vietnam) and what he learned while having a Cosmic Top Secret clearance when he worked at SHAPE Headquarters in Paris under General Lyman Lymnitzer.  Bob started sharing his story in 1991 and I started attending UFO seminars in 1995, so I've had a chance to hear him speak many times over the years.  I think you will be able to tell immediately from his humble sincerity that this man is telling the truth as he knows it--and lived it.  

Robert O. Dean - ET Contact - YouTube

▶ 2:01:31
Feb 5, 2016 - Uploaded by Search4TruthReality
Bob Dean shares his UFO experiences and how they've affected his "truth of the ... Robert ODean - ET ...

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