Listen to the real Florence Foster Jenkins sing:
She has often been called the "worst singer in the world." A flibberty-jibbet society matron, she thought of herself as the equal of famous operatic sopranos. Upon receiving a legacy fortune in her 50s, she launched herself into a singing career and "entertained" thousands, no doubt in an unintended way. Listen and hear for yourself why people would want to pay to hear her sing (often wearing diaphanous, flowing costumes decorated with tinsel and angel wings attached to her back). Give yourself a break from Trump and Clinton and uplift your spirits. She's given me my laughs for the week/month/year. (~ .~) I feel sorry for her challenged accompanist whom you can hear over and over trying to return her to somewhere near the true notes, without avail. Reviews of the movie now coming out with Meryl Streep as Florence have been excellent -- it's said that Streep gives a great imitation of Florence's voice.
Read more about the real Florence at: and an article at: with tidbits about her life.
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