Saturday, April 16, 2016

Excellent Bill Moyers interview: "Voting with their stone-age brains"


Rick Shenkman is the historian, editor and publisher of the indispensable website History News Network. I'm a fan and recently had the pleasure of reading his latest book, Political Animals: How Our Stone-age Brain Gets in the Way of Smart Politics.

Shenkman himself possesses quite a highly evolved brain, but he nonetheless admits he has his own share of stone-age brain cells. However, there is no club in his hand at the moment, just this book, which frankly, packs all the wallop he needs. If you want to know why this is the year of Trump, you've got to read it. If you want to know why millions of Republicans still believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, you've got to read it. Even if you want to hold on and remain an optimist, you've got to read it.

This week, I sat down with Rick Shenkman to talk about the brain of the American voter, and what is firing its synapses during this extraordinary primary season.

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