Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pilots, doctors and scientists are now telling the truth about chemtrails

In the video link below are powerful and to-the-point 
testimonies, given by a group of 
fully-credible scientists and pilots 
(many ex-US Military), who testify as 
to the difference between condensation 
trails and chemtrails and the dangerous 
compounds that are accumulating in 
our soil and water, as a result of 

Alan Buckmann, a former military fish 
and game biologist explains that chemtrail 
weather manipulation represents a health 
hazard to us all, as the compounds being 
found in their wake are hazardous and 
unnatural, such as unbonded aluminum.

It is explained that the reason why you 
don't hear about it on the mainstream 
news is because geoengineering, 
colloquially known as "chemtrails" are a 
Black Budget Program - that is apparently, 
global in scope.

More gripping details are contained in this redacted 
version of a longer testimony produced by 
Dane Wigington of, 
a man who has dedicated his retirement 
and his life savings to exposing this threat
to the public's health.


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