Friday, February 27, 2015

Only for the curious: Why our weather is the way it is now - informative video

Unfortunately, most people will not be interested. And will be convinced by the government's "Nothing to see here -- just conspiracy nuts -- move along...."    Years into the future, when all of this has been proven to be true--to everyone--it will be too late to do anything about it.  Sadly, this is how Earth humans learn--too little, too late.  The following video is for those who care what is happening to our planet and to us -- and want to know the truth NOW. 

Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought

By Dane Wigington
Earth's climate system is being manipulated and forced in too many directions to comprehend. Governments around the globe are participating in the climate engineering not only over their own countries, there is also the weather warfare aspect between opposing countries.

Those in pursuit of power have turned our once pristine blue skies into a battlefield. Geoengineering is nothing short of an all out assault against Nature. Truly untainted weather is non existent, deep blue skies are no more. From record snows to record heat and drought, all is now being manipulated by the ecologically devastating climate engineering programs.

Each of us must continue to help sound the alarm on the geoengineering insanity so
that when the population is forced to wake up (due to the rapidly accelerating devastation that is occurring), they will know just how horrifically they have been violated by those in power. Make your voice heard, share credible data with others, start "spot fires" of awareness wherever you go. The short video at the link below outlines the ongoing engineered devastation.

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