Thursday, December 11, 2014

Right wing stories of interest

I can't help wondering how anyone could remain Republican in the same tent with some of the following idiots.  How do otherwise intelligent Republicans (there are a few; I actually know a couple) compartmentalize away the stupidities, ignorance and cruelties spewed out daily on the right?  That is a HUGE Mystery that I would love to have explained by one of those intelligent Republicans.  And how do you account for the outrageous last-minute right-wing insertion of a provision rolling back limits on Wall Street banks (!!!), putting it into the funding bill that must be voted on today to keep the government running?  The right-wing love for the rich and powerful -- and their disdain for the rights of the common "We, the People" is beyond comprehension! 

Read/view the following and tell me if you could stand to be in the same party with these moron people and corporations (Jon Stewart calls out one of the FOX news morons in the last clip):

Michele Bachmann: God gave Moses the Ten Commandments so America would be rich


Fox segment on 'ridiculous' climate change devolves into talk of humans living with dinosaurs


Texas coach nicknames black player 'Buckwheat,' says he's shocked to learn it's racial

A Texas high school basketball coach is on administrative leave after black parents complained that he had given their children racist nicknames.

'Ex-gay' group puts up Virginia billboard claiming twin studies 'prove' that 'nobody is born gay'

The organization strongly promotes ex-gay therapy, even though the American Psychological Association has declared that such practices are based on the belief that homosexuality is a mental health issue.

Texas pastor brags about harassing lesbians as he calls for death of 'dirty f*ggots'

Pastor Donnie Romero, founder of Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, carried on the violent message of his mentor, Pastor Steven L. Anderson – who recently called for gays to be executed to promote an "AIDS-free Christmas."

Delta fires 26-year employee for 'disparaging' airline with 30-second interview on low wages

A longtime Delta Airlines employee filed an appeal on Tuesday after he was fired for speaking out at a rally for higher wages.

Jon Stewart mocks Andrea Tantaro's 'awesome' rant: 'The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard'

Daily Show host Jon Stewart dissected Fox News Andrea Tantaros' argument that the discussion surrounding the CIA's torture of detainees was being fueled politically to cast the U.S. as not being "awesome."

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