Monday, April 15, 2013

Summer Ice Melt in Antarctica at highest point in 1,000 years

Read it and weep.  Yet, obliviously on we go... unconcerned and uninterested.  Earth humans don't make changes easily -- they have to be forced into them.  Blinded by greed, the so-called "leaders" of all countries are dragging their feet in addressing the global warming issue.  No matter how much the conscious/aware people in the world cry out for action before the full impact of the disaster hits the Earth, the greed-driven one percent types and their bought-and-paid-for "scientists" downplay what is happening.  They will never have enough money, no matter how much they accumulate, and are willing to risk the lives of the planet's inhabitants (and the planet itself) to further line their own pocketsCan the disasters that are threatening our planet now be the reason why the government leaders are building underground tunnels, military bases, and city-like shelters in ever-increasing numbers?  Have the booming and humming sounds reached your community yet?

  1. Strange Sounds in the Sky | What's Up with All of the Unexplained ...
    Mar 20, 2013 – Posted in: Booming Sounds, Sounds in North America. Tagged: fakes, humming sounds, rumbling sounds, sky noises, strange sounds, weird ...
  2. Again new Sounds at Costa Rica A big boom Hum

    31 posts - 4 authors - Jan 11, 2012
    the sound is much more terrifying that I thought it would be, now that I've had a chance to actually hear it. The Costa Rica sound almost sounds ...
  3. Hum noise | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond
    Jan 9, 2013 – Posts about Hum noise written by The Extinction Protocol. ... They're back: Unexplained 'booming noises' reported from South Carolina to ...


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