Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Scott Walker survives recall effort

Too many stupid people continually vote against their own interest. You have to wonder if the Neanderthal brain still exists in much of the population at large.  Millions of dollars sent
by Republican corporate interests were poured into Wisconsin to appeal to the Stupids with lies -- and it worked.  Many union members actually voted to keep Walker, who has as a top item on his agenda the mission to kill unions.  Now he will go ahead and finish the job he started.  The mind reels when it considers the stupidity of voters who should know better.  You can't cure stupid.



alex654 said...

This is just a continuation of the decline of America. People who are lead by their emotions and not by reality will not only suffer for their mistakes but will also cause many innocent people to suffer. Unions are not always right in their bargaining positions, but what else is available to protect the rights of the common man and give him hope for the future.